23rd - 25th January 2026 RDS, Dublin D04 E6N6

Holiday World Show 2023 Adventuring further from home?

By ~~artAuthor~~ Dec 16, 2022

Visit Holiday World Show Dublin this year to find your new dream holiday destination. Ever thought about adventuring further from home? Maybe you’ve always wanted to ride a safari in Africa, or soak in Cuban culture or explore Eastern Europe.

Make sure to talk to the following exhibitors from Friday 27th through to Sunday 29th of January to make those dreams a reality!

South Africa 

Watch beautiful sunsets, safari wildlife and culture unfold in front of you in South Africa. This holiday of a lifetime will be filled with beauty, wonder and nonstop excitement. Make sure to stop at the South African Tourism stand to see more of what South Africa has to offer you.


Morocco ticks off our entire perfect holiday destination checklist. Sun, stunning natural landscapes, fascinating history & heritage, vibrant local culture and many more surprises. Make sure to talk with the Moroccan National Tourist Office to get all the information you need for an amazing adventure in Morocco.


Cuba is known for its unique and spirited culture – so why not experience it for yourself? Culture is not the only amazing aspect Cuba can offer you; it also boasts paradisiacal white sandy beaches, turquoise waters and palm trees for relaxation during the day and a bustling nightlife after dark. The Cuba Tourist Board will give you all the information about how and why to plan your visit!


Castles, caves and folk culture, lore and traditions Slovakia promises to be a not so typical holiday destination. With one of a kind architecture and mythical mountains Slovakia should be on your travel bucket list. Talk with the Embassy of Slovakia to find out more about this fascinating destination.


Although very small, Lithuania has lots to do! The country’s rich historical past influences the poetic culture there today. Take a hot air balloon above Vilnius, walk the streets of the old town and visit medieval castles. Find out more about Lithuania at the Holiday World Show.


Egypt, a goal of many globetrotters, awaits you. Walk the path of ancient civilisations and learn all there is to know from the many historical sites and museums. Make 2023 the year you see the pyramids with all the help you need from the Egyptian State Tourist Office at the Holiday World Show.

Choose your show:
Holiday Show Limerick
8/9th February 2025
Holiday World Show Belfast
10/12th January 2025 Belfast
Holiday World Show Dublin
23rd - 25th January 2026