23rd - 25th January 2026 RDS, Dublin D04 E6N6

Dream tips to make travelling less taxing

By ~~artAuthor~~ Oct 18, 2019

Time is of the essence when leaving for the day of your very well-deserved holiday and there’s nothing worse than forgetting something essential or wasting precious time for your trip away.

We’ve put together a list of key tips and tricks to swear by to make the most of your holiday.

Effort in planning will save you time when you’re there

We know, we know who wants to spend the last day before your holiday labouring over a suitcase and a wardrobe full of clothes but it will mean for a more relaxing and simplified dressing process for when you’re away. By spending a short time planning it will make sure that you don’t over pack and will save you so much time when grabbing something to wear in the mornings.

Ensure to pack a bag especially for washing so you can fill as you go. There’s nothing worse than suffering the holiday blues while having your suitcase sit in the corner of your bedroom gathering dust.

Don’t let jetlag take time away from you

When you’ve got a whole new place to explore, it would be unfortunate for jetlag to take up so much of your time. After sitting on a plane for hours it’s a great idea to get your body moving.

Drop the bags off at your accommodation and get straight out into the beautiful location you are visiting. Even if you only opt for a short walk, you will find that clearing the cobwebs off from the flight will leave you feeling so much fresher the next day.

Plus you’ll have a clear mind going to bed.

Arrive to the airport early

There’s nothing worse than the first leg of your adventure being spoiled by a rushed and panicked airport fiasco. Although being trapped in the airport is not ideal, it will give you time to really get into holiday mode by having a little look into your itinerary, read a book to unwind from your normal stressful everyday life or grab a drink to help you catch some Z’s on the flight.

It also doesn’t hurt to have a designated section of your suitcase or a separate folder for your important documents. It’ll save you the hassle of routing through your bag in search of the precious cargo... nobody needs last minute fear of forgetting the essentials.

Choose your show:
Holiday Show Limerick
8/9th February 2025
Holiday World Show Belfast
10/12th January 2025 Belfast
Holiday World Show Dublin
23rd - 25th January 2026