23rd - 25th January 2026 RDS, Dublin D04 E6N6
Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism
Stand: N7

When was the last time you took a breath? Or watched the setting sun? In Newfoundland and Labrador, our way of life is a little different. We don’t believe much in regret. We take what each day has to offer, and we don’t wait for a reason to celebrate. That’s why you’ll find us dancing and singing any night of the week, at a kitchen party or on the shore. 

Whether you like to plan in advance or just go with the flow, you'll never run out of things to do here in Newfoundland and Labrador. Wildlife? Check. History? Of course. Amazing vistas? In spades. And culture? We speak more dialects of English than the English do. But perhaps the best thing to do when you visit here is absolutely nothing at all. Except maybe to relax and breathe deeply, filling your lungs with (copious amounts of) fresh clean air that’s been filtered and flavoured by the 16-million square miles of Atlantic Ocean at your feet.

The natural environment in Newfoundland and Labrador is an endless bounty of interesting and inspiring things to do. Imagine a day out on the water, surrounded by breaching humpbacks, thousands of seabirds, and majestic mountains of ancient ice. Or picture yourself hiking along some of the 29,000 kilometres of coastline, breathing the clean fresh air, and soaking up the beauty and peace of your surroundings.

There is something about this place that changes you – a legendary culture that has a way of seeping under your skin, and giving you a new way of experiencing the world. Immersing yourself in this culture will probably be as easy as opening the door of your accommodations, but we can offer a few suggestions.

Immerse yourself in this culture of wonderful tales, adventures, and explorers. Experiencing our local cuisine, festivals, museums, and art galleries will give an even greater understanding of our colourful and off-kilter culture.

Choose your show:
Holiday Show Limerick
8/9th February 2025
Holiday World Show Belfast
10/12th January 2025 Belfast
Holiday World Show Dublin
23rd - 25th January 2026